Deadline for 2022 Liens



The holiday season is fast approaching! To ensure our lien department meets all requests, we provide this important update regarding deadlines for the registration of liens over the holiday season.

For the purposes of ensuring that all condominium liens are placed before the end of 2022, please note the following suggested dates by which we recommend Notice of Lien and Lien Requests to be forwarded to our office:

Notice of Lien Request Forms: December 7, 2022

Lien Request Forms: December 19, 2022

If you are unable to meet the above dates, please contact us immediately, so that we may make arrangements to ensure that all liens are placed before the month-end deadline.

If you are forced to place a lien after the above-noted dates, it will very likely be registered. However, due to limited registry office hours during the holiday season, we wish to warn our clients that it is prudent to submit any requests on or before the dates noted above. This will ensure registration.

Should you have any questions, please contact Stephanie at or at 905-760-1800 ext. 241 or Jennifer at or at 905-760-1800 ext. 239.